strFile="c:\boot.ini" Set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFile=objFSO.GetFile(strFile) With objFile strHTML="" strHTML=strHTML & "" strHTML=strHTML & "" strHTML=strHTML & "" strHTML=strHTML & "" If .Attributes And 2048 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "Compressed," If .Attributes And 64 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "Shortcut," If .Attributes And 32 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "Archive," If .Attributes And 4 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "System," If .Attributes And 2 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "Hidden," If .Attributes And 1 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "ReadOnly," If .Attributes And 0 Then strAttrib = strAttrib & "Normal" 'remove any trailing commas If Right(strAttrib,1)="," Then strAttrib=Left(strAttrib,(Len(strAttrib)-1)) end if strHTML=strHTML & "" strHTML=strHTML & "
" &_ "" & strFile & "
Created " & .datecreated & _ "
Modified " & _ .DateLastModified &"
Size " & .Size & _ " bytes
Type " & .Type &_ "
Attributes " & strAttrib &_ "
" End With set ie=Wscript.createObject("internetexplorer.application") With ie .width=400 .height=300 .statusbar=False .menubar=False .toolbar=False .visible=True .Navigate("About:blank") .document.body.innerhtml=strHtml End With